How to Educate Your Children on LGBTQ+ Rights and Encourage Them to be Allies
2 min readJun 21, 2021

June 2021 marks 40 years since the first Columbus Pride march. In 1981, roughly 200 people attended the event. Now, the Stonewall Columbus Pride Festival and March hosts more than 80,000 visitors each year, with the goal of fundraising for and uplifting LGBTQ+ identities.

There is no better time to educate your kids on LGBTQ+ rights. However, it can be a daunting subject for many parents. Continue reading for some tips to help you maneuver this sensitive yet very important topic.

  1. Continue to Educate Yourself - This may sound obvious, but to educate your kids, you need to educate yourself. And to be an ally, Allison Takeda from says that you need to “read up on proper terminology, learn about the LGBTQ+ experience, and confront your own biases.” If your child asks a question and you are unsure of the answer, that’s okay! Use it as an opportunity to learn together.
  2. Have Conversations About Sexual Orientation Early - Many parents are unsure when to begin having these conversations with their children, and fear they may be too young to understand. According to The Washington Post, “Well before preschool, kids can grasp the concepts [of gender diversity, sexual orientation and the many shapes families can take] — and they’re usually quick to embrace messages that feel accepting, kind and fair.” Keep the conversation simple and explain topics such as “some daddies love daddies just like some daddies love mommies.”
  3. Be Open and Welcome Questions - Let your kids know that you are always available to answer any questions that they may have about the LGBTQ+ community. Additionally, allow them to ask other people questions, as long as they do so in a respectful manner. Some parents tell their kids not to ask others gender identity questions because they feel that it’s rude, but according to gay and nonbinary parent Amber Leventry, “Asking about someone, getting to know them, is one way to accept them. I’d rather have an open conversation than have a child or adult avoid my existence or fear it.”
  4. Lead By Example - One way to teach your children about the LGBTQ+ community is to lead through actions that reinforce the idea that LGBTQ+ members deserve the same rights and respect as those who are not part of the community. Interact with LGBTQ+ people the same way that you would interact with straight, cisgender people. Teach your children that every person, regardless of sexuality or identity, should be treated equally.
  5. Attend LGBTQ+ Events - Participating in LGBTQ+ events will provide your children with an abundance of educational opportunities along with the chance to simply have fun in the community, and feel involved. For a list of pride events taking place this week in Columbus, check out our Instagram or Facebook page — @jointandem!



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