Dog schedule for working owners — Tandem

Best dog schedule for busy pet parents
4 min readNov 9, 2021

Why is routine important to dogs?

Every puppy, whether his parents are super busy or not, needs to develop a solid routine as they grow into adulthood. This could be as simple as being potty trained and not chewing up furniture when mom and dad aren’t looking. However, when you do have a busy schedule, it’s best to come up with a strict, consistent, and simple routine for your pup to get used to as soon as possible.

For example, if your most time-consuming effort is work, your dog needs to know when you will be leaving for work. Setting up signals that show you will be leaving is important for your dog to notice so that they can get into that “work time” headspace. Similar to the importance of a bedtime routine for humans, dogs should have a “work time” routine. Signals like you getting in your uniform, a quick walk around the same time every day, or anything else that can be a consistent signal for your pup to get into the “mom is leaving” mindset.

What is the best routine to follow?

Whatever you decide on, in terms of routine, it should be consistent. If you are coming up with a new routine or your dog is still a puppy, it will take time to get used to. An example of a routine to start your pup on when you leave for work can look something like this:

  1. Wake up as normal and get ready for the day. Try not to let your dog out yet. Potty time should be implemented in the “work time” routine.
  2. After you are completely ready for work, you are dressed, your lunch is packed, etc. Call for your dog.
  3. Make time for a short walk, even if it’s only 5–10 minutes.
  4. Carve some time, preferably at least 20 minutes, to play with your dog. Give your dog cuddles, play fetch, get his energy out. Show him that you love him just as much as he loves you.
  5. After you have spent some time in the morning with your dog, feed them last.
  6. Leave for work while they are eating. This spares them the sadness of watching you walk out the door, because they are excited to be eating!

Why does this work?

If you turn your “work time” routine into moments of puppy love before leaving, your dog will associate you going to work as potty time, playtime, and food time all in one. By getting ready for work before you play, you allow your dog to become excited about going on a walk. Your dog sees you getting ready and knows that when you’re finished, they get to go potty outside!

The reason it’s important to do this after you are fully ready for work is that you want your dog to associate you getting ready for work as the signal for playtime, not the signal for you leaving. Changing the order of your normal routine is truly enough to change the layout of the rest of the day for your dog.

After your walk and playtime, it’s important for you to leave the food last. Not only last in the routine, but also last in your routine. You should be walking out the door right when you feed your pup. This may not make much sense, but according to Kayla Fratt, a professional dog Trainer, this will make your dog want you to leave. You can turn your dog’s mindset from begging you to stay to begging you to leave if they associate eating with you going to work.

Best schedule for busy dog owners — Tandem

By having a solid routine before leaving for work, your dog will have a better chance at being home alone and happy. It’s hard not to feel crate guilt when we leave for the day, but know that there are ways to combat it!

Always remember that doggy daycares and pet sitters are an option too, though. If you know you are going to be gone longer than usual, think about hiring a pet sitter to come and walk or play with your dog during the day.

Tandem has awesome pet sitters who are more than happy to stop by and let your dog out for a little while and take him on a walk. Don’t sit in guilt all day while you’re at work. Be secure in knowing that your dog is happy and healthy with a Tandem pet sitter.



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